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Chinchilla Care Tips 

December 4 2024

It’s probably no surprise that dogs and cats are America’s most popular pets. That isn’t likely to change anytime soon. Fido and Fluffy certainly have earned those top spots with their love and devotion. However, what may be more surprising is learning which one of our animal friends has that third spot. This varies from state to state. In many places, Guinea pigs got that third place. Believe it or not, the adorable chinchilla actually got third place in several states, including Maine, New Hampshire, and Connecticut. A local Mississauga, ON vet goes over some chinchilla care basics in this article.

What Makes Chinchillas Special?

Aside from the fact that chinchillas are very, very cute, we would probably point out their soft fur as a unique feature. Chinchilla coats are very dense. Each hair follicle holds about 60 to 80 hairs, on average, as opposed to the single one that people’s follicules have. That soft fur keeps them warm in their native habitat, the chilly Andes region of South America. It also serves as a sort of defense: if a predator grabs hold of the chinchilla, its fur will fall out in patches. (This is loosely similar to the way some reptiles will drop their tails if something grabs them.)

Basic Chinchilla Facts

Native to the arid, rocky Andes, chinchillas live in groups, known as herds, which would consist of anywhere from 14 to 100 chinchillas. These guys grow up to about 50 cm, on average, including those fluffy tails. They also live quite a while, especially in comparison to other small animals. Given proper care, they can live 10 to 20 years.

What Sort Of Habitat Do Chinchillas Need?

As with other small pets, making sure that your furry pal has a great habitat is crucial to their health and well-being. Chinchillas have some very specific requirements on this one.

  • The absolute minimum cage size for chinchillas would be 1 meter x .5 meters x .5 meters However, we would recommend getting something larger. Your pets will spend the majority of their time in this cage, so it’s important to make it as fun and comfortable for them as possible.  
  • Multi-level cages are always recommended for these guys, as they provide much more opportunity for jumping and climbing, which, as we mentioned above, are chinchillas’ favorite sports.
  • Chinchilla habitats should always have solid floors. Wire floors will not contain substrate, and can also cause paw injuries.
  • Temperature is very important. Chinchillas come from cold, dry regions, and do not do well in the heat. Do not put the cage in direct sunlight, or near a fireplace or heating duct. You don’t want them to get too cold, either! 
  • For bedding, you can use paper or shavings. Avoid pine and cedar products, as the oils can cause respiratory issues. Corncob is also best avoided.
  • Be sure to provide a bottle for your pet to get their water from. Bowls can be contaminated by bedding or droppings. Overheating is an issue with these guys, so when it’s hot out, you may want to keep a bottle in the freezer. That way, your pet will always have cold water as it melts.

How Do You Keep A Chinchilla Happy?

No matter how big or small your animal companion is, it’s important to keep them happy and content. Every pet has their own needs here. Cats like furniture, boxes, sunbeams, lap space, paper bags, catnip mice, while dogs enjoy chew toys, playtime, and exploration.

Chinchillas need lots of chew toys, as otherwise their teeth will get to be too long. You can buy these, but you can also make your own. Many of the DIY idea options you’ll find for bunnies, hamsters, and Guinea pigs will work. For instance, you can make your pet toy/treat kebabs. The tubes from toilet paper and paper towel rolls can be quite versatile. You can slice them up, then reassemble them into balls, or poke holes in them and poke branches in them. Just be careful with the glue.

Here are some other materials you can use:

  • Plain Paper
  • Cardboard
  • Wooden Items
  • Loofah
  • Sea Grass
  • Vine
  • Bamboo
  • Wood
  • Lava Stones

Be sure to stick with safe items. Don’t give your pet anything small or sharp, or anything with rope or cords. Items covered in varnish, paint, or dye are also unsafe. Ask your Mississauga, ON vet for more information.

What Do You Feed A Chinchilla?

Chinchillas have quite specialized diets. They live on a lot of fibrous plants in the wild. 

Hay: Your pet will need lots of grass hay. You can offer Timothy hay, orchard grass, meadow hay, or botanical hay. Alfalfa can be offered as a treat, but can cause dental problems and/or digestive issues if fed too often. Be sure to keep your pet’s hay somewhere cool and dry, and keep an eye out for mold.

Pellets: You can offer your little buddy grass pellets for lunch and dinner. Just measure portions out carefully. It’s very, very easy to overfeed a small animal. Ask your vet for specifics, including product recommendations and serving sizes.

Treats: Now for the fun bit. Like all of our other patients, chinchillas love snacks. They actually are known for having a massive sweet tooth.

Here are some things you can offer:

  • Dried fruits, such as apple, banana, or pineapple
  • Raisins
  • Cranberries
  • Dried rose hips
  • Fruit and berry branches, including blackberry, strawberry, and hibiscus
  • Certain herbs, such as dandelion, rosemary, and parsley. Just don’t go overboard with sugary treats. 

Be sure to ask your Mississauga, ON vet for specific advice.

What Foods Are Unsafe For Chinchillas?

It’s also important to know what isn’t safe. Seeds, grains, or nuts are definitely out. You’ll also want to avoid yogurt drops. They are often sold as chinchilla treats, but they are very, very sugary. Other foods on the no-no list include citrus fruits, such as lemons and grapefruit; corn; chocolate; dairy products; and fruits with a high water content, such as watermelon. Ask your vet for more information. 

What Is Popcorning In Chinchillas?

We all know that cats purr when they’re happy, and dogs wag their tails. Chinchillas also have a thing. It’s called popcorning, and it’s super cute. As the name suggests, this basically entails ‘popping’ straight up … much like a popcorn kernel. 

Do Chinchillas Like to Play?

Chinchillas can be quite timid, but don’t let that fool you. They actually are quite playful in their own way. They love to climb and jump, and will appreciate having things like ladders and branches in their cages.

Why Do Chinchillas Need Dust Baths? 

Like all other pets, chinchillas need grooming. However, you should never get these guys wet. Their fur takes a long time to dry, and they can end up with fungal infections. You’ll need to give your pet dust baths to soak up oil and dirt. Only use dust that is made just for this, and remove your pet’s ‘tub’ after they are done. When it’s really hot out, keeping your chinchilla’s dust in the fridge can make these beauty sessions a little more refreshing for him. Ask your vet for more info on this.

What Are Signs Of Sickness In A Chinchilla? 

With chinchillas, as with any other pet you’ll need to watch for signs of illness. Chinchillas are considered an exotic pet, so you’ll want to find a great exotic animal vet. 

Here are some things to watch for:

  • Anorexia
  • Diarrhea
  • Watery eyes
  • Drooling
  • Hunched posture
  • Withdrawal
  • Unusual behavior
  • Lethargy
  • Trouble breathing
  • Constipation
  • Shedding
  • Weight loss
  • Dehydration
  • Pawing at mouth
  • Poor coat
  • Reduced feces production

Contact your exotic vet right away if you spot any of these. 

Make An Appointment At Your Mississauga, ON Animal Clinic

Do you need advice on chinchilla care? Please feel free to contact us anytime. As your Mississauga, ON pet hospital, we are here to help. 

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